Concrete Bridge Engineering Institute
The Concrete Bridge Engineering Institute (CBEI) is the center of concrete bridge-related research, education, and training at The University of Texas at Austin within the Cockrell School of Engineering. Our mission is to serve the concrete bridge community and profession on the most pressing issues encountered across the Nation. This is accomplished through facilitating interdisciplinary collaboration and partnerships, conducting research which melds engineering practices, and developing unique educational and training opportunities for preparing the current and future generations of our concrete bridge workforce. The Concrete Bridge Engineering Institute is established to serve as a national concrete bridge industry resource, partnering with other leading agencies, researchers, and stakeholders with the goal of addressing issues encountered in concrete bridges and work toward implementing plans to ensure the reliability expectations are met for concrete bridges.
Concrete Materials for Bridges Training (CMB-1001)
CBEI Services

Training and Certification
Hands-on intensive workforce training and certification programs.

Concrete Solutions Center
Technical support for projects and developing solutions. Custom in-person and virtual workshops. Facilitating testing and implementation of emerging technologies.

Concrete Bridge Component Collection
The concrete bridge component collection features full-scale bridge components from decommissioned bridges and previous research specimens. It is used for hands-on training and exhibiting defects.
Concrete Topics

PT Laboratory
Post-tensioning (PT) Laboratory (aka PT Academy) provides hands-on training for field installers and inspectors as well as test and verify promising post-tensioning technologies.

Bridge Deck Construction Inspection Program
Deck Construction Inspection Program to meet the need of ensuring proper initial construction of concrete bridge decks utilizing full-scale hands-on components. Bridge deck construction techniques utilizing precast deck panels and associated technologies will be included in this program along with other types of bridge deck construction techniques

Concrete Materials for Bridges
Concrete Materials Program for Bridges to provide guidance on the proper selection and use of constituent materials to improve the service life of concrete bridges, sustainability of concrete construction, and provide hands-on examples of what happens when these are not considered.

“The Concrete Bridge Engineering Institute is the nexus of research, education and practice for the next generation of bridge building and retrofitting. We are proud to have this national resource at the Cockrell School of Engineering and the University of Texas at Austin.”
Roger Bonnecaze
Dean, Cockrell School of Engineering
George T. & Gladys H. Abell Endowed Chair of Engineering
The University of Texas at Austin

"We are very excited to be hosting the new Concrete Bridge Engineering Institute at The University of Texas at Austin. CBEI comes at an opportune time as the need to sustain existing infrastructure and develop new infrastructure is urgent. Building on our long history as a leader in advancing concrete bridge design and technology, CBEI will benefit the profession of bridge engineering and society as a whole through research and education."
Robert B. Gilbert, Ph.D., P.E., D.GE, NAE
Chair, Department of Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering
Nasser I. Al-Rashid Chair in Civil Engineering
Distinguished Teaching Professor
The University of Texas at Austin